Renewable Fuels

Renewable Fuels for a Sustainable Future
Renewable fuels are produced from renewable raw materials. Montana Renewables produces its products from a combination of different waste or renewable feedstock materials including vegetable oils, animal fats, grease, algae, and others.
Utilizing renewable feedstocks provides a sustainable alternative to traditional, non-renewable resources such as petroleum. These feedstocks offer a lower Carbon Intensity (CI) compared to petroleum-based diesel without sacrificing performance.
Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is a fuel derived from renewable resources that enables a reduction in net life cycle carbon dioxide emissions compared to conventional fuels. SAF is the preferred, now commonly used term for non-petroleum synthesized jet fuel components produced to the definitions in ASTM D7566.

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Renewable Diesel
Renewable Diesel (RD) is a biomass-derived transportation fuel suitable for use in diesel engines. It meets the ASTM D975 specification for petroleum in the United States and EN 590 in Europe.
Renewable Naphtha
Renewable Naphtha (RN) — also known as biogasoline or “green” gasoline, is a biomass-derived transportation fuel suitable for use in spark-ignition engines. It meets the ASTM D4814 specification in the United States and EN 228 in Europe.

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Renewable Hydrogen
Renewable Hydrogen — also known as “green” hydrogen, is produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen. Montana Renewables is constructing a new hydrogen plant that will collect the hydrogen gases from our Renewable Diesel reactor and recycle the hydrogen for reuse within the facility using a technology currently patent pending.
Energy Products
Highly Refined, Renewable Fuels
Montana Renewables, LLC is a subsidiary of Calumet, Inc. Visit for more information.