Renewable Energy for the 21st Century

A Leader in North America’s Energy Transition Movement


Montana Renewables Wins BNSF 2023 Sustainability Award

Renewable Products

Renewable Feedstocks

Montana Renewables is grateful to have strong, local support

Average Carbon Intensity of Renewable Diesel

BPD Production

We Have the Power to Impact Our Future, and We’re Doing Something About It

Montana Renewables is pioneering the renewable fuels industry. Our team of experts is developing patent-pending technology for green hydrogen use in our conversion process to further lower the carbon footprint of the planet.

Our location in Great Falls, Montana is at the heart of target-rich renewable feedstocks, ideal for receiving and delivering renewable products to market in the Northwest United States and Canada.

View Our Renewable Feedstocks

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Connecting Farm and Ranch to Renewable Energy


Access to a diverse range of Local, renewable feedstocks for a sustainable future.

Learn More

Canola Oil


Soybean Oil

Used Cooking Oil

Mustard Seed Oil

Distiller Corn Oil

Camelina Oil

View Our Renewable Products

A Leader in North America’s SAF Production

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is a combination of synthetic paraffinic kerosene (SPK) and conventional jet fuel. SPK is designed to reduce the aviation industry’s carbon footprint.

Montana Renewables is a SAF leader in North America producing approximately 30 million gallons of SPK per year. We have the capacity to significantly increase that amount over the next 2-3 years.

MaxSAFTM SPK (Sustainable Aviation Fuel)

Montana Renewables, LLC is a subsidiary of Calumet, Inc. Visit for more information.